
In general, use an indentation of two space characters. Logical expressions in the IF, WHILE, and UNTIL parts are indented at least 3, 6, and 6 spaces respectively. Bad code

IF GLSetup."Unrealized VAT" OR
(GLSetup."Prepayment Unrealized VAT" AND NewCVLedgEntryBuf.Prepayment)

Good code

IF GLSetup."Unrealized VAT" OR
(GLSetup."Prepayment Unrealized VAT" AND NewCVLedgEntryBuf.Prepayment)

Bad code

IF GenJnlLine."Account No." <\> ICPartner.Code THEN
ICPartner.GET("Account No.");
IF GenJnlLine.Amount \> 0 THEN BEGIN

Good code

IF GenJnlLine."Account No." <\> ICPartner.Code THEN
ICPartner.GET("Account No.");
IF GenJnlLine.Amount \> 0 THEN BEGIN

Bad code

Dialog.OPEN(WindowTxt +

Good code

WindowTxt +

Bad code

// Find the next old entry for application of the new entry

Good code

// Find the next old entry for application of the new entry

Bad code

IF NOT ("Applies-to Doc. Type" IN
\["Applies-to Doc. Type"::Receipt,
"Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Shipment"\])

Good code

IF NOT ("Applies-to Doc. Type" IN
\["Applies-to Doc. Type"::Receipt,
"Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Shipment"\])

Bad code

WHILE (RemAmt \> 0) OR
(RemAmtLCY \> 0)

Good code

WHILE (RemAmt \> 0) OR
(RemAmtLCY \> 0)

Bad code

UNTIL (RemAmt \> 0) AND
(RemAmtLCY \> 0);

Good code

UNTIL (RemAmt \> 0) AND
(RemAmtLCY \> 0)