Variable Naming

Variables that refer to a C/AL object must contain the objects name, abbreviated where necessary.

A variable must begin with a capital letter.

Blanks, periods, and other characters (such as parentheses) that would make quotation marks around a variable necessary must be omitted.

If a variable is a compound of two or more words or abbreviations, each word or abbreviation should begin with a capital letter. Bad code

WIPBuffer@1002 : Record 1018
OBJECT Table Job WIP Buffer

Good code

JobWIPBuffer@1002 : Record 1018
OBJECT Table Job WIP Buffer 

Bad code

Postline@1004 : Codeunit 12;
OBJECT Codeunit Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

Good code

GenJnlPostLine@1004 : Codeunit 12;
OBJECT Codeunit Gen. Jnl.-Post Line 

Bad code

LOCAL PROCEDURE HandleCustDebitCredit@17(...;"Amount (LCY)"@1001 : Decimal;...);
IF ((... ("Amount (LCY)" \> 0)) ...) OR
((... ("Amount (LCY)" < 0)) ...)

Good code

LOCAL PROCEDURE HandleCustDebitCredit@17(...;AmountLCY@1001 : Decimal;...);
IF ((... (AmountLCY \> 0)) ...) OR
((... (AmountLCY < 0)) ...)