Patterns Authors

This is the list of people that have been part of the NAV Design Patterns team. If you would like to join the project follow the instructions provided on Be a NAV Pattern Author page.

Project administrator: Bogdana Botez.

Authors (in alphabetical order):

  • Abshishek Ghosh, Microsoft (4 patterns)

    • Using Query Objects to Detect Duplicates
    • Blocked Entity
    • Single-Record (Setup) Table
    • Temporary Dataset Report
  • Anders Larsen, Microsoft (1 pattern)

  • Easy Update of Setup or Supplementary Information

  • Andreas Moth, Microsoft (1 pattern)

  • Anti-pattern: Reusable bugs

  • Bogdan Sturzoiu, Microsoft (4 patterns)

  • Feature Localization for Data Structures

  • Copy Document

  • Using C/AL Query Objects Instead of Nested Loops

  • Data-Driven Blocked Entity

  • Bogdana Botez, Microsoft (18 patterns)

  • Silent File Upload and Download

  • Standard Journal

  • No. Series

  • Data Model Proxy

  • Journal Error Processing

  • Journal Template-Batch-Line

  • Multilanguage Application Data

  • SELECT DISTINCT using Queries

  • Anti-patterns: reusable bugs

  • Sensitive Data Encapsulation

  • Data Encryption

  • Single Point of Access

  • Masked Text

  • SSL in NAV

  • Singleton

  • Singleton Codeunit

  • Anti-Patterns in NAV Upgrade

  • Cue table

  • Carlos Raul Garcia, Microsoft (1 pattern)

  • Anti-Patterns in NAV Upgrade

  • Ciprian Iordache, Microsoft (2 patterns)

  • Activity Log

  • Totals and Discounts on Subpages (Sales and Purchases)

  • David Bastide, Microsoft (3 patterns)

  • Notification Lifecycle Management pattern

  • Data Migration Façade

  • Extending the Role Center Headlines

  • Elly Nkya, Microsoft (2 patterns)

  • Singleton Table

  • Anti-patterns: reusable bugs

  • Eric Wauters, iFacto, PRS (6 patterns)

  • Hooks

  • Posting Routine - Select Behaviour

  • Variant Facade

  • Argument Table

  • Discovery Event

  • Anti-patterns: reusable bugs

  • Gary Winter, agiles (1 pattern)

    • Variant Façade
  • Henrik Langbak, Kim Ginnerup, Bording Data A/S (2 patterns)

  • Currently Active Record

  • Released Entity

  • Jan Hoek, IDYN (2 patterns)

  • Conditional Cascading Update

  • Setup Specificity Fallback

  • Jesper Schulz, Microsoft (1 pattern)

  • Error Message Processing, part I

  • Martin Dam, Microsoft (1 pattern)

  • Multi-File Download

  • Mike Borg Cardona, Microsoft (1 pattern)

  • Creating URLs to NAV Clients

  • Mostafa Balat, Microsoft (3 patterns)

  • .NET Exception Handling

  • Cached Web Service Calls

  • Try Method

  • Nikola Kukrika, Microsoft (7 patterns)

  • Totals and Discounts on Subpages (Sales and Purchases)

  • Create Data from Templates

  • Argument Table

  • Instructions in UI

  • Creating Custom Charts

  • Variant Façade

  • Anti-patterns: reusable bugs

  • Nikolai L’Estrange, from TVision Technology Ltd. in the UK_
    _ (2 patterns)

  • Observer

  • Cross Session Events

  • Raed Selim, Microsoft (1 pattern)

    • Product Name
  • Soumya Dutta (2 patterns)

    • In-context notifications
    • Data Migration Façade
  • Søren Klemmensen, 360 Visibility, PRS (2 patterns)

  • Master Data

  • Surrogate Key

  • Tim Grant, Trendmicro (1 pattern)

  • Read Once Setup Record

  • Report Selector (this pattern was started by 2 workgroups by multiple authors, but finalized and corrected by Tim).

  • Xavier Garonnat, knk Ingénierie (1 pattern)

  • Document

They have also invested their time and energy in this project:

  • Eva Dupont, Microsoft - our publisher on MSDN NAV Team Blog.
  • Kurt Juvyns, Microsoft - coordinator of pattern videos

Pattern evangelists:

  • Eric Wauters, iFacto, PRS
  • Gary Winter, agiles, PRS
  • Mark Brummel, Brummel Dynamics Services, PRS
  • Mike Doster, Mergetool
  • Søren Klemmensen, 360 Visibility, PRS

And last but not least, we have collaborated with Plataan who hired Eric Wauters from ifacto and Mark Brummel from Brummel Dynamics Services and PRS, to publish on video some of our patterns.